Monday, September 10, 2012

Hopeless and Romntic Tagg

What two qualities do you want most in your future husband?
Two? Wow that's mean. 

1. A man who is more in love with Yeshua more than me. 2 Corinthians 6:14
2. A real man! That's very rare to see these days. A man who is a G-D fearing, funny, yet manly? Haha! It's to long to explain

Is there a fictional character you see as a model for your future husband?
Kind of crazy, but I would like a guy like Aragorn from LOTR. Yeah.... Haha. 

Where do you want your wedding?
I kinda have mixed feelings about this. I love the idea of it being in a church but I also would love for it to be at my grandmothers farm (where my mother got married)

What are your views on courtship?
Yes. Yes. Yes. This is what I believe in. With dating, I feel that I leave myself in more vulnerable positions.

What are your views on your first kiss?

Saving it for my wedding day.

Do you have or want a purity ring/locket?
Yes, I have two and am currently wearing one.

"Where You go, i will go" - Ruth
Do you have or want a hope chest?
I have a chest, but it's more of my memories from my past.

Will you wear a veil at your wedding?
Most likely, my mothers. :) I hope.

What kind of wedding dress do you want?
My stile is flowy, but not poofy. I like trains, but super long ones.... I like. I like. My mothers!
Looking for her Prince

What flowers do you want in your bouquet?
White roses with a hint of pink on the edges, and maybe baby's breathe. Like my mothers yet again. ;)

What do you want to name one of your daughters?
I've always liked Annastasia since I was little. But Now I really like Hadasah, Renee.

What do you want to name one of your sons?
I have always liked Demetre. But I also like Joshua, or Coliv - I know it's a name you've probably not ever heard of before, but it has a bit of a sentimental meaning to me. 

Do you believe in the 'knight-in-shining-armor' view of courtship?
YES! I do because of Yeshua.

What music do you want to play at your wedding?
I would probably ask for my dad (Michael Leverett) to play one of his piano songs for me. It's called Wedding of Souls and I just love it. So yeah I see myself walking down that isle while I hear Wedding of Souls being played.  Either that or My Beloved.

Are you a hopeless romantic?
Yeah.. I'll admit it. I am.... :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay I love these! I'm a but your romanticism is not is hopeFULL!!!



Oh Love That Will Not Let Me Go

Oh Love That Will Not Let Me Go