Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Facebook - Good or Bad?

Let's face it, we all went on Facebook to be like other people and be cool like them. Am I right? Well I was one of those people. I remember the first time I ever had a Facebook. I felt so big and like I was an adult! Because I was like everyone else and  I had one and my friends had one! I felt on top of the world! Also felt sort of in control.

1 Corinthians15:33 "Don't be fooled. Bad company ruins good character."
Romans 12:21 "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" 

But what happens when the things you see on Facebook start controlling you? Ok so maybe some of us don't post bad things, but do we have complete control of not seeing what others post? Not exactly. When I saw something bad, I thought of it more, wanted it more, or acted like that more. And that's not what Yeshua has in mind for us. Seeing bad things doesn't necessarily help ourselves because it causes us to be more vulnerable. And being vulnerable to seeing/hearing/reading sin usually causes us to fall.
 Look at David and Bathsheba in 2 Samuel 11 - he saw the sin, and in this case lusted after it. He became vulnerable to it and fell for the temptation. But he was a very wise man and loved God dearly.

Exodus 20:1 "You are to have no other gods before Me."

Now I know that some of us are not on it all the time - I was. And I was on it ALL THE TIME, I became obsessed! That was the only thing I ever did instead of spending time with family, and school. It became my idol.

It's not a sin to use Facebook! We can use it for good - but can't help what we see in return. And it can damage our personal relationship with Yeshua. Yes, even Facebook can damage our relationship with Him. And sometimes we have other people who are looking up to us - meaning that younger generation. If we start to slip away from the Lord, and others are seeing that - they might see that we do not need Him. And we so desperately need Yeshua! The question to think about is,  do we purposefully put ourselves in that vulnerable position and does it stand in the way of growing closer to Yeshua? Ask Him, what He feels before you do something. Because it could harm yourself, your relationship with Him and other peoples relationship with God.

My motto being "To know HIM and to make HIM known". HOW and IS it translating through Facebook?

Not trying to bash Facebook or the person who uses it on a regular basis. Just thinking out loud about Facebook and the "pros and cons" with having it and what effect it has on us.

So is Facebook good or bad? Listen to Yeshua and you decide.

To Know HIM
To Make HIM Known

1 comment:

  1. Very well written, girl. I'm proud of your boldness and desire to "put off everything that hinders" and follow Him. NEVER LOSE IT!!!



Oh Love That Will Not Let Me Go

Oh Love That Will Not Let Me Go