Monday, October 1, 2012

Thanking September

Wow! What a a month Yeshua has given to me. With the Holy Days everything has kind of flown by! This is what I have learned so far. So I know I probably will be leaving out so many things when I talk about the different Holy Days, but I am new and learning. So I will just be telling you what all I am learning. 


Rosh Hashanah/Yom Teruah (Feast Of Trumpets) This (Rosh Hashanah) is the "New Year" for the Jews. The theme of Rosh Hashanah is repentance of our sins. To repent of our sins and ask for G-ds help and guidance. its to also remeber that He forgives! Yum Teruah is an alarm! A shout of Joy! It is said that Yeshua will come on Yom Teruah for His people the Jews and the Gentiles who are grafted in. How does this alarm happen? With HIS shofar! G-d woth blast His shofar, that being one of many signs of His return. What a day that should be!  

Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) This holy day is considered to be the most holy day of the Jewish Calendar. Atonement. What does that word mean exactly? In the dictionary, atonement means "reparation for a wrong or injury; amends".  The theme of Yom Kippur is atonement and forgiveness by the way of various sacrifice! Thats when your sins are washed white as snow. People usually wear white to resemble this. G-d is so merciful to wash away our sins. He is a G-D of mercy!

(Feast of Tabernacles) the eight days of Sukkot we are to celebrate for Gods provision for us and care for our lives. (1st kings 12:32) Sukkot represents the time of restored fellowship with the LORD.And it is said that Yeshua was conceived during Hanukkah and born during Sukkot so Happy Birth"week" Yeshua!!

(The holy day links will explain a whole lot if you want to learn more)

September 22. First day of autumn.I can't believe that Fall is here!!! I thank the L-rd for this beautiful weather! Now to decorate the house with fall things! Momma and I will start shopping soon I am sure. :)

September 24-27. Audit. Yeah so the dreaded audit is over. That was a whole lot of fun. NOT. That weekend before that fun week we were at the office working all day and night getting ready for the auditors. We had a few good funny moments. These people are just so nosy!!! I mean I guess that's their job but yeah. Anyway it is over and we got through it only through the grace of the Lord! Thank You!

That sticky says "Thank you Signature" Don't know why, just thought it was funny.
September 26. Momma's Birthday! So on our past trips my Dad and I got Mom a few things along the way. So Momma asked us not to get her anything else. But I did write her a Birthday Card. And we sure did have some nice chocolate cake/pudding/bread.

My Grandmother made my Momma A German Chocolate Pie
September 28. Jamie-Grace concert!!! Ahh! I got to see Jamie Grace at a concert! She is amazing live!!! She's kinda like Toby Mac - she has an adorable personality and a heart for God! I liked getting to hear her testimony. Not to mention that she even sang Veggie Tale songs!! I'm a home-schooler and I don't do anything! I just stay at home and lie around! And if you ask me to do anything, I'll just tell you - I don't do anything! > (A Veggie Tale pirate song) So yeah you're probably thinking that I am a 5 year old, but whatever. I don't care - you either get it or you don't. But on a more serious note, it was so amazing getting to see other young girls that were there singing to The Lord. Truly touching.

September 29. Shabbat. I am writing about Shabbat because I feel that it was a very important day for me. Our rabbi taught on fear. And where in Psalm 27 it talks about not fearing. And I needed that this week. My biggest fear is hurting someone. Or letting them down.And I feel that I have done that recently to a family and in that family - the mother is passing away. I feel that the devil is really trying to get to me right now with feeling that fear of letting people down. I am asking for G-ds guidance and strength to get me through this.

So with this past month, there are highs and lows, but who said life would be perfect?  One day and oh what a day that day will be, it will be perfect and glorious with the L-rd! Thank You L-rd for September - thank You for all the blessings and all of the trials You put in it. Thank You for forgiving me of all of my sins and washing them away like snow. Help me to keep my eyes on You.

To Know HIM,
To Make HIM Known,


  1. What a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing your heart :)



Oh Love That Will Not Let Me Go

Oh Love That Will Not Let Me Go