Food makes me smile, I mean a lot of different types of food makes me smile. But one in particular that make me smile is Cheez Its. Yes I love those cheesy crackers. They kind of just melt in my mouth. I like that saltiness aspect of it to. Oh and to have it with chocolate - yeah now you're talking.
Roses. Yes I love roses. Diddy and I got my Momma a rose a few years ago and it has been my favorite kind of rose. It's white with a pink trim on the edges of the rose. Yes. That is my favorite kind and it makes me happy.
So if you don't know me already which most of you do know me, you won't be surprised to know that I have a very small obsession with bunnies. They are my weakness. That fluffy hair. Those eyes. The lop ears. The sweet nose. That noise they make when they're eating. *Squeaks* ugh. They're just to cute!
Butterflies also make me smile. They always have since I was adopted. My Dad read me a book called Butterfly Kisses by Bob Carlisle and ever since then - yeah you couldn't keep me from dreaming about butterflies. Anyway. My view of butterflies are different from most. Most people like butterflies because it's a sign of freedom, and being free to do what ever you want to do when ever you want to do it. my view is different. I think of myself as a butterfly or actually as a caterpillar because I am growing in the Lord. A caterpillar is constantly having to work for its food because it is crawling on its belly. But once it has enough food, its STILL working! It has to find a secure spot to make a cocoon for a few weeks. Inside the cocoon it begins to transform. I think I am in the working and transforming stage of a Butterfly. When that butterfly is ready, it goes out of the cocoon and vuala! It is no longer a caterpillar but a butterfly! Just gives me goosebumps just thinking about it!!! Anyway, I love butterflies.
Here's a picture I took a while ago of Gods creation, a butterfly.
Another thing that makes me :) is plaid pajamas. I don't know why but plaid pajamas makes me imagine that the weather is cold outside and I'm inside all hunkered in with plaid pajamas, a red blanket, with my bear Skyler and a crackling log fire. Yeah I just love that. You know what would top all of that? SNOW!
Another thing that makes me happy and thankful for who I am is my Russian Matryoshka (sp?) Dolls. They won't let me forget who I am and where I am from. These little dolls came from Russia peoples! Their colors make me happy.
I have a lot more - but I currently cannot find them.... *Sad Face*
Till next time friends!
To Know HIM,
To Make HIM Known,
I love this! Especially the sweet little dolls. My mom and I got some in Russia as well!